Live in the West Region? There is now a referral approval waiver in place through April 30, 2025. Learn More. Also, you have until April 30 to set up your payment info if you pay by EFT, credit card, or debit card. This is for TRICARE Prime, TRICARE Select, TYA, TRS, and TRR plans. If you miss this deadline, you will be disenrolled back to Jan. 1. Visit today.

Health Services

Admissions & Dispositions

Mission Statement:

We represent PAD and Bayne Jones Army Community Hospital with an outstanding display of courtesy & professionalism whenever speaking to patients, makes sure that we answer all questions to the best of our knowledge.

Services Provided:


  1. Within A&D, we receive, interview and determine eligibility for admission to Bayne Jones Army Community Hospital (BJACH); gather demographic data for entry into the Composite Health Care System (CHCS); process all admissions, discharges, inter-ward transfers, Birth pre-admissions and Ambulatory Procedures Visits on patients within BJACH; verifies patients' insurance information for the Third Party Collection Program; operates two automated systems to enter, retrieve, and correct and update data. The office is on the first floor room 1120 and is open 24 hours/ 7 days a week. During this process you will be provided with information on Patient’s Rights and Responsibilities and obtaining an Advanced Directive if you don’t already have one. All patients being admitted or pre-admitted (such as OB & APV patients) must bring a valid form of military identification and OHI card if they have one. Patients are required to answer questions about Other Healthcare Insurance and organ donation and sign several forms, including an Advance Directive Declaration.

  2. Living Will: Allows you to specify the care you want at the end of your life. It becomes effective only when you can no longer speak for yourself.

  3. Durable Power of Attorney for Healthcare: Allows you to name someone to act as your agent. This person makes your health care decisions only when you cannot speak for yourself. You do not have to be at the end of your life. If you have any of these documents, give a copy to the admissions clerk at time of admission to be place in your outpatient & inpatient record.

  4. Eligibility for Care:
    1. Determining Eligibility
      The Admissions office verifies patient eligibility for care is checked at the time of registration for Pre-Admission and Ambulatory Procedure Visit (APV). The ID card is used to validate eligibility when you arrive to appointments. All children aged ten and older, must possess a valid ID card and present at the time of registration. There are various circumstances which will require eligible children under the age of 10 to possess an ID card. You may contact the ID card section at (337) 531-1839 to find out the specifics regarding your situation. Care will not be denied if patient does not have an ID card. You will be required to fill out a MEDDAC Form 37 Eligibility for Medical Care; this is a Temporary Authorization for Medical Care form.

    2. Confiscated ID Cards
      ID cards are routinely confiscated by the clinics and the hospital Admissions and Dispositions Office if the ID card is expired, mutilated, or fraudulently used. The patient will fill out MEDDAC Form 37 Confiscated ID Card they receive a receipt for the confiscated ID card which will be used to obtain a new ID card at the ID card section. This form will also serve as a temporary ID if it is determined that he/she has continuing benefits. Confiscated ID cards will be turned over to the DEERS ID Card Section for disposition.
      A copy of the MEDDAC Form 37 will be kept in the Treasurer’s office and you will be requested to return with a valid ID card within thirty days. However if a valid ID card is not presented a bill will be sent to the patient or other health care insurance provider for any care rendered to a patient that is not eligible for care. The patient/sponsor will be billed at the established civilian emergency rate and after 60 days from the date of treatment the unpaid account will be transferred to Defense Finance for collection action.

Contact Us


1st Floor of the hospital (Bldg. 285)

Hours of Operation

Open 24 hours


(337) 531-3160 / 531-3161
Don't forget to keep your family's information up to date in DEERS!