BJACH Outpatient Pharmacy will be closed, from 3-5:30 p.m., Thursday, Oct. 24 in honor of Pharmacy Week.  We apologize for any inconvenience.

Health Services

Occupational Health


Provide services to promote the Health and Safety of the individual, the unit, the workplace, and the community. To assure that all eligible personnel are physically and mentally suited for job performance; protecting workers against adverse effects of safety and health hazards in the work environment; reducing economic loss through the civilian injury/illness program and ensuring DoD personnel are medically deployable and combat ready relating to work-place hazards.


To be a cohesive team of highly competent and dedicated professionals that are proactive utilizes evidence-based practice, to provide high quality of care in Public Health area to JRTC and the Fort Johnson community.

Programs Elements and Services

The Occupational Health Program objectives are in accordance with the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR)DoD 6055.5-M, AR 40-11 and DA Army Pamphlet 40-11.
Program elements and services include, but are not limited to the following:

  Program Elements Description of Services
1 Immunization Program Administer immunizations and chemoprophylaxis to DOD MEDDAC/DENTAC military and designated civilian personnel as a condition of employment, either to protect the employee from a potential adverse exposure or to ensure that the employee is not a risk to others in the course of their employment. Immunizations are offered to all civilian employees to reduce absence due to sickness
2 Bloodborne Pathogen (BBP) and Other Potential Infectious Material (OPIM) Contaminated Exposures Evaluation, assessment and monitoring employees and military that have sustained an occupational exposure to BBP/OPIM in the performance of their duties; and post-exposure follow-up evaluation and treatment in accordance with OSHA, CDC and DHA guidelines
3 Occupational Injury, Illness, and Exposure Absence Monitoring. Assist with the tracking of civilian employees who have sustained job-related injuries, illnesses or occupational exposure in the performance of their work duties; identify physical limitations/restrictions related to specific work environment; assists the Department of Labor (DOL), the Civilian Personnel Advisory Center (CPAC), and supervisors with return-to duty job placement of employees having temporary or permanent medical restrictions.
4 Occupational Medical Surveillance Monitoring Provides risk-based medical screening or examinations for early detection of occupational diseases or illnesses that may be associated with work tasks or workplace exposures of a physical, chemical, biological, radiological, or psychological nature. Examples of current monitoring programs: lead, Hazardous drug, Waste Anesthetic Gas, and Radiation.
5 Hearing Conservation Program Focuses on protecting military and Civilian personnel from hearing loss due to workplace noise exposures. Industrial Hygiene identifies occupational areas and individuals exposed to noise-hazards. Individuals then receive periodic screenings, counseling on prevention, and instructed on the required use of hearing PPE during the performance of job-related duties.
6 Civilian Pre-Placement Hiring Examinations Evaluating and determining an individual’s physical and mental suitability for requested job position. Reviewing past health history, current medications, and previous surgeries and understanding the required physical, functional, and environmental factors of their job assignment.
7 Administrative Medical Exams Fitness for Duty and Reduction in Force examinations. Reviewing past health history, current medications, and previous surgeries and understanding the required physical, functional, and environmental factors of their job assignment.
8 Respiratory Protection Program Medical screening and clearance for respirator usage. Spirometry preformed as required for medical qualification exams and/or for determining medical suitability to wear a respirator.
9 In-Processing and Out-Processing (Termination) exams Establishes medical records for civilian employees. In-Processing exams should be completed for military and civilian employees within the first 60 days of assignment (prior to job hazard exposures) to enroll in required medical surveillance programs. Out-Processing exams should be scheduled 30 days before final out to remove “terminate” from medical surveillance programs.
10 Vision Conservation Program Oriented towards the preservation of vision conservation through periodic vision screening and counseling for occupations exposed to eye-hazards identified by Industrial Hygiene; and requiring the use of vision PPE during the performance of job-related duties.
11 Worksite Surveillance Collaborative visits conducted with industrial hygiene and/or safety personnel periodically or as operations change. Provide basic characterization of the worksite, worker practices, use of controls, and identifies occupational and environmental hazards. Identifies causes of elevated exposure-related indices and allows for education of employees and supervisors about work-related hazards. Provides guidance concerning physical restrictions, administrative accommodations, worker medical qualifications and standards and determine appropriateness of medical surveillance recommendations.
12 Non-Occupational Illness/Injury Absence Monitoring Provide monitoring and assistance to supervisors relating to employees’ requiring return-to-duty from non-occupational illnesses/injuries that affect the employee's work performance; and promote cooperation among supervisors, management, and employees.
13 Occupational Exposure Surveillance & Tracking Investigate and evaluate incidences of occupationally acquired infectious diseases, illnesses, and injuries with presumed workplace associations/exposures.
14 Reproductive Hazards Surveillance All persons of reproductive age are vulnerable to reproductive hazards. These are associated with spontaneous abortion, premature births, and fetal/infant neurological damage and can cause low sperm counts in men. Counseling individuals during pre-placement and annually about the nature of any potential hazards to reproduction for their identified potential exposures.
15 Occupational Health Hazard Education Assist the installation safety personnel in providing work-place hazard exposure communication. Provided during the employees’ pre-hiring exam and during their annual medical surveillance visits.

Contact Us


Bldg 3508 Georgia Ave.
Fort Johnson, La., 71459

Occupational Health, Army Public Health Nursing
8099 Georgia Avenue, Bldg 3515
Fort Johnson La., 71459

Environmental Health, Health Promotion, Industrial Hygiene
8103 Georgia Avenue, Bldg 3516
Fort Johnson, La., 71459


Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.


Office: 337-531-6131 or 337-531-2951
DSN: 863-6131
Fax: 337-531-8728
Don't forget to keep your family's information up to date in DEERS!