Live in the West Region? There is now a referral approval waiver in place through April 30, 2025. Learn More. Also, you have until April 30 to set up your payment info if you pay by EFT, credit card, or debit card. This is for TRICARE Prime, TRICARE Select, TYA, TRS, and TRR plans. If you miss this deadline, you will be disenrolled back to Jan. 1. Visit today.

Health Services

Public Health Nursing

Works to prevent or mitigate illness and injury in the JRTC & Fort Johnson community by providing high-quality, professional, public health services

Child Development Services

Support to Child, Youth & School Services and Family Child Care homes is provided in accordance with AR 608-10. Army Public Health Nursing (APHN) staff provides consultation and education regarding health issues, medication administration, and communicable diseases.

Latent Tuberculosis Infections

The Tuberculosis (TB) Surveillance Registry established in accordance with AR 40-64 confirms TB infection and disease. The APHN ensures timely contact for initial evaluation, provides effective education and counseling for patients, ensures appropriate completion of preventive treatment and reviews epidemiological aspects of active cases to confirm therapy protocols are followed.

HIV/STI Program

For any Tricare Beneficiaries who are interested in an STI check, please utilize the Walk-In Wellness STI Clinic option at the BJACH Lab kiosk. This initiative, in partnership with Public Health Nursing, allows all Tricare beneficiaries to screen for STIs without speaking directly to a provider first. If you are positive for any STI labs, an Epidemiologist Technician within the Public Health Nursing Clinic will contact you for an appointment at building 3515 from 8:00 AM – 3:30 PM for treatment and health education. Please see the flyer attached to this webpage for more information.

Annual HIV/STD classes are also provided to units in accordance with AR 600-110. This is done per unit requests. The HIV POC responds to positive HIV test results among BJACH beneficiaries by performing education, counseling and follow-up service support.

Health Promotions

Army Public Health Nursing offers the following services to improve the overall health of the Fort Johnson Community

  • Tobacco Cessation Classes – a program to assist participants in quitting tobacco use. Medication therapy is offered through the program after consulting with our Public Health Provider. Attendance of classes and evaluation of our provider is required to receive the medication.
  • NIH/CDC Health Awareness Campaigns – we offer community events designed to increase the public’s awareness on a variety of health-related topics. Please contact our Health Promotion Team to request involvement if you have an upcoming event you believe we could participate in.

Travel Medicine

Travel Medicine services are available to dependent beneficiaries, retired service members, dependents accompanying active-duty service members on PCS orders, and active-duty soldiers traveling on leave. Active-duty soldiers on orders for PCS or TDY must process through the Soldier Readiness Center. DHA and DA employees must process through Occupational Health. Appointments for international travelers should be made at least 4-6 weeks in advance of travel in order to allow time for all vaccinations.

PrEP Program

The Pre-exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) program allows Soldiers who identify as at-risk for HIV transmission to begin PrEP medications to prevent HIV infection.

Rabies Prevention

Public Health Nursing coordinates with the BJACH Emergency Department and the Fort Johnson Veterinary Clinic to prevent the transmission of rabies amongst any potential exposures. Public Health Nursing reviews and manages these cases to ensure risk of transmission remains low and patients receive the recommended care associated with their case.


Contact Us


Public Health Nursing Clinic
8099 Georgia Avenue., Bldg 3515
Fort Johnson, La., 71459

Health Promotion
8099 Georgia Avenue, Bldg 3516 
Fort Johnson, LA 71459

Public Health Nursing: 337-531-6131/4846/4359/0261
Health Promotion Technicians: 337-531-6880
Medical Support Assistant: 337-531-6131
Fax: 337-531-6764 or 337-531-8728

Don't forget to keep your family's information up to date in DEERS!