Live in the West Region? There is now a referral approval waiver in place through April 30, 2025. Learn More. Also, you have until April 30 to set up your payment info if you pay by EFT, credit card, or debit card. This is for TRICARE Prime, TRICARE Select, TYA, TRS, and TRR plans. If you miss this deadline, you will be disenrolled back to Jan. 1. Visit today.

Health Services

Armed Forces Wellness Center (AFWC)

What is an Armed Forces Wellness Center (AFWC)?

Our mission is to empower our clients to build a framework of good health as well as build healthy lifestyles for themselves and their families. Not only do we strive to empower our clients to set their own health goals, we are there to help them to achieve the goals they’ve set. How do we do this? We engage our clients through state-of-the-art technology, one-on-one education, group classes, and health coaching. The AFWC program offers something for everyone! An appointment at the AFWC may include body composition testing (via the BodPod), metabolic testing, fitness testing, or a biofeedback session! Need help with increasing your metabolism, healthy nutrition, stress management, or healthy sleep habits? We’ve got you covered.

• Body Composition Analysis • Sleep Education
• Metabolic Testing and Weight Management • Stress Management
• Exercise Testing and Exercise Prescription • Nutrition Education
• Health Assessments • Wellness Coaching

Who do we serve?

We see active duty/reserve military, family members, retirees, and DOD civilians.

How do you get started?

Either your provider will refer you or you can refer yourself to the AWC.

  • First, fill out our Health and Wellness Tracker at Once you've created a login and password, begin filling out the health history questionnaire. While you complete each tab of the survey, answer each question carefully, and click 'continue' until you reach the end of the questionnaire. We will ask you to update this survey every 30 days.
  • Next, call the AFWC at 337-531-3055 to schedule your appointment. It’s as easy as that!

Initial Coaching Session (BodPod and Metabolic Testing) Preparation Guidelines

  • Appropriate attire: No jewelry. Under your clothes, please wear (or change before your appointment) For men: form fitting Speedo or other Lycra/spandex type swim suit; or single layer compression shorts (only shorts without padding). For women: Form fitting Speedo or other Lycra/spandex type swim suit; or single layer compression shorts (only shorts without padding) and single-layer (not padded) sports bra. Swimsuits should have no metal, skirts, or fringe.
  • No food (including gum, candy, mints), drink (except water), tobacco, caffeine, or over-the- counter medications (including vitamins and supplements) for 5-hours prior to the test. Prescription medications should be taken as prescribed.
  • No vigorous physical activity (i.e., running, biking, exercising) for 14-hours prior to the test.

Fitness Testing Preparation Guidelines

Wear or bring running shoes, shorts, and loose fitting shirt. (For women, sports bras, with no underwire are required).

  • No food (including gum, candy, mints), drink (except water), tobacco, caffeine, or over-the- counter medications (including vitamins and supplements) for 5-hours prior to the test. Prescription medications should be taken as prescribed.
  • No vigorous physical activity (i.e., running, biking, exercising) for 14-hours prior to the test.
Army Wellness Center Army Wellness Center Army Wellness Center Army Wellness Center

This research was supported in part by an appointment to the Postgraduate Research Participant Program at the Army Public Health Center (Provisional) administered by the Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education through an interagency agreement between the U.S. Department of Energy and APHC (P).

Contact Us


1365 3rd St., Bldg 283
Fort Johnson, La. 71459
(shares parking lot with Entrance A of BJACH)


Mon - Fri: 0730-1630


(337) 531-3055

Don't forget to keep your family's information up to date in DEERS!